Fandom/Original Roleplay Requests 6.22.16

19 min read

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HazelnutBunny's avatar

:bademoticon: Welcome to my Roleplay Requests! :bademoticon: 

:bademoticon: I'm glad you could take the time to see if you're interested in doing a one on one RP with me!:bademoticon: 

I'm really dying for a good RP, so yeah!
Not reading/following the rules 
Not communicating with me 
Planning to ditch/ignore and/or just be a petty little deviant 
Not communicating with me
Tell me something but mean another 
Have no manners 
Not communicating with me 
Being very selfish throughout the RP 
And oh did I mention not communicating with me? 
Ladies and gentlemen of ALL deviants! If you are going to RP with me, we are going to have some communication going on. I don't know what goes through your mind, unless you tell me. If you can get on deviantart and type out a full rant in your journals or whatever, then you should have no problem being real with me. It's not that hard to do. It makes life easier for the both of us, so there is no misunderstandings. I promise you I don't bite. As I always say, communication is the key folks! Okay? Okay? Okay! You get a cookie for the day!Blue Stop Sign 

Hello Kitty Icon _m_ Now that we understand each other and you're willing to follow through and be considerate, you may continue to scroll through the reading. Thank you!Hello Kitty Icon _m_   


A little bit about myself; I'm a college student, but I am free for the summer until August 29th. I have been roleplaying for seven years now, ever since I was thirteen. I learned it was something fun I enjoy doing. I'm pretty sure you've figured out my age just by reading that sentence. So, I do want to roleplay with people who are around my age to be honest, but if I insist, please be at least 16 and up to do a roleplay with me. No offense to people younger than 16, I just want a more mature roleplay group who are experienced well enough. Your not expected to be an expert or anything! I love roleplaying when it has a solid and good story to it. It helps improve my writing too since I develop ideas overtime and I really want my partner and I to blossom that opportunity with progressing the story as much as we can. Also, I would like to be friends with my roleplay partners too! So don't ever be afraid to talk to me outside of our roleplay. I don't bite! 


Arrow leftFemale PartnersArrow right -I am looking for mainly female roleplayers who are 16 and up years of age. Honestly, roleplaying with females is my comfort zone and I'm able to be more open with things as much as they are. Plus, it's who I'm more comfortable with so please respect that. Now, this time, I MIGHT and I mean MIGHT consider taking in some guys, but I will have a limit on how many guy roleplayers I will take. Female partners are unlimited, but guys partners my limit will be three and I will be very picky on which three guys I decide to roleplay with. It all depends on your first impression you give to me. So please don't get mad or pressure me if I decline your request, guys. Girls your fine, no worries! 

Arrow leftGrammarArrow right -Grammar is like the most essential thing you need to have if we are going to roleplay together. If English is your first language, then you know the drill. Have a decency good amount of writing please. I am not a grammar nazi and I know we all make mistakes in our writing and that's okay. Now, if English isn't your first language, then it's alright and we can work something out, just as long as I can understand you, there won't be a problem at all.  

Arrow leftLimit of repliesArrow right -Now, everyone should know that a sentence is five to seven lines. The basic type of writing you learn in your English class, and so with that being said, if I send you a really good amount on my part, then I expect you to match what I have. Please do not half-ass it. One liners just will not work for me because that tells me, you are being lazy, you are making me do all the work, you aren't even trying to put any effort or it seemed like your giving me a commentary at this point and that will make the roleplay lose its flavor very quickly. The only time when one liners are acceptable is if, you have a writer's block, but not every single time please, the characters are having a conversation with one another, or if it's really necessary then it's a free pass, other than that, please don't make one liners become the habit of yours, otherwise the roleplay will end faster. 

Arrow leftMessageArrow right -When you send me a comment or a note, do not say, "Hi, can I RP with you?" "RP?" "Let's RP together plz" I promise you, those will be ignored and declined right away because it doesn't tell me anything about you. So when you messaged me, introduce yourself. For example, "Hello there! I saw your RP journal and I'm fairly interested in doing one with you! I am ___ years old and my rules of roleplaying are so and so, and I'm not okay with so and so. I am interested in doing a ___roleplay with you if you're cool with that! Look forward to hearing from you, thanks!" Now it doesn't have to be exactly that, just something like that would be nice. But if you would like to copy my example, then it's cool with me! 

Arrow leftActiveArrow right -If we are going to be roleplay partners, then you must be fairly active. I am not looking for one who's inactive and can barely be online. I reply multiple times a day, especially if a roleplay is really good and sometimes I will reply frequently. If I don't reply for a long time, it's either because I'm busy with things, I don't feel like replying at this second or I'm replying to other roleplays. So please have patience and remember I will never leave you hanging. 

Arrow leftPetty PartnerArrow right -I feel like I have to repeat myself a second time so you'll understand how serious I am with this rule. Don't you dare have the audacity to send me a friend watch, asking me to do a roleplay with you and we plan the plot and then you drop off the face of the earth and I never hear from you again. Don't even think about sending me only a few replies and you vanish within thin air. I'll say this and I'll say this again, if you are not enjoying the roleplay or became bored of it, or if something came up in your life, T-E-L-L M-E! Is that too much to ask? Purposely ignoring me/ditching me just shows what a petty person you are, especially if I message you after a week or two to see if you are okay or if the notes glitched out. If you have time to get online and reply to other messages, then you know you definitely have time to send me a message saying you wish not to RP anymore or you want to change the whole story altogether. Trust me, I've had plenty of those in the past, and it's super irritating so please don't be that next person.... 

Arrow leftLong-Term RPArrow right -If you are the kind to do only short term roleplays, and some that don't even have a story at this point then I am not the one for you because I am not looking for that. I simply like long-term RP for a reason. Long term keeps me motivated and I progress ideas overtime so please respect that. 

Arrow leftLove interestsArrow right -I will play your OC's love interest for a certain canon character you like, as long as you do the same in return too please. I like to keep it fair on both parts. So, I am okay with OC x Canon, Canon x Canon, OC x OC pairings. I can also do straight, Yuri or Yaoi; my favorite is straight and Yuri. I do not like the love at first sight thing. They need to have a friendship first before building up overtime into a relationship afterwards. Unless if you're couple is already together, then it needs to make sense for me to approve of. And please do not force shipping... at first I saw that it was no big deal, but after experiencing it with some past people, I can see why people find it not needed at all. I'm not even going to get into that, but you understand the idea. 

Arrow leftCharactersArrow right -You are free to have your OC/FC in the roleplay. The only thing I don't want is your character to be a Mary Sue. That's a big no no. Also, I am not accepting, "I play the girl and you play the boy" thing. You are going to play both genders as well I am going to. And I am not playing all the canon characters and/or all the guy characters, while you play one character. No. You need to have more than one character to play as please. The whole, "Oh I suck at playing guys/canon characters" is no excuse at all. You just don't want to try. All it takes is practice, it's not that hard. Also, please do not control my character at all. My character is mine and mine alone and I don't need you controlling his/her movements please. And do not god mod either. I've never had this issue, but I'll address it anyway... don't make your character super badass where they can't get hurt or don't have some kind of weakness. They need to have some kind of flaw. 

Arrow leftGenre/RatingArrow right -I mainly roleplay action, adventure, drama and definitely romance. So, please expect those genres and don't be so closed-minded please because that kills the roleplay pretty quickly. I am willing to do any other genre, except for Sci-Fi since that is not my thing of play, so I apologize for that. I can do 18+ which includes gore, swearing and romantic settings, but you need to be 18 years old and up for that step. If you are 16-17, then our roleplay will stay PG-13 rated.  

Arrow leftFetishesArrow right -Absolutely not. Fetishes are not my kind of play nor will it never will be, so please don't ask me to do no tickle roleplay, cause I will ignore you. I'm sorry, but those make me uncomfortable and I wish not to do them so please ask someone else to do them with you. 

Arrow leftPlotArrow right -When you to me for an RP, please make sure you have an idea already in mind. It doesn't have to be complex, something simple would be nice. It doesn't matter where it's from whether it's from a video game/tv series or a book, fire away. If you need help on deciding a plot, then I don't mind helping you out. 

Arrow leftDouble RPArrow right -People sometimes ask me "What is Double RP" "Double RP?" "How does Double RP work?" Well, to make sure I don't have to keep explaining/repeating the same thing over and over; the rule will be right here for you to read its definition so that when I ask you if you'd like to do a double RP, your not looking confused. Double RP basically means doing two RP at the same time (in separate notes) if we happen to have two different ideas. If for some reason, your still lost by the term "Double RP" then I don't know what to tell you.... because I explained it the easiest way I can. Now, you are also allowed to bring in another RP idea you had in mind. My RP partners have done this before since they admire the way I RP and we end up doing like 4 stories at once or more, depending on who they are. So don't be afraid to bring in another RP idea in a new note. 

Arrow leftNotesArrow right -I know notes can be super buggy/have it's glitches. So, if you don't hear from me for an awfully long time, I most likely lost your note so you can resend me or asked if I got it. Keep in mind, I will do the same for you as well. Hopefully, that problem will be fixed eventually. 

Arrow leftHave fun!Arrow right -That's the most important rule of all! I want you to be able to have fun with this, and not see this as like a job or something. Just something you enjoy honestly and so if you can do that, then we're all set for a great roleplay!  

Blue's Star.Star + Dangles Bullet (DarkBlue) - F2U!  My Fandom/Original RP Lists/IdeasStar + Dangles Bullet (DarkBlue) - F2U! Blue's Star. 

Sonic The Hedgehog 

I am really craving for a good Sonic Roleplay. And so, if you choose to do one with me, I will love you forever and you'll get a cookie!
I usually do Sonic Roleplays that are modern, meaning like Sonic X, Sonic Boom, or any Sonic video game that I know of. I never really read the comics before or the archie, but I'm willing to try an RP based off that if you wish to. 
My Characters are located right there, so I strongly recommend you look at them please. 
Double RP might be an option. 
As for love interest for my OC, I need someone to play Sonic for me. Espio might be another option. It depends on the plot. 
Remember, you're the best if you choose this one! (: 

Original Roleplay 

I am craving for a good original roleplay. I'm pretty open with these too, and so whichever setting you prefer whether it's modern time or medieval times, I'm willing to go with it. 
For medieval settings, I really want to do either of the following:
Princess x Knight 
Pirate x Female Human
Princess x Princess 
Mermaid x Merman 
Mermaid x Mermaid 
For modern settings, we can shoot for either of the following:
Female x Female (teens or adults)
Male x Female (teens or adults)
Feel free to give more suggestions/ideas 

Kingdom Hearts 

I remember playing Dream Drop Distance a couple years ago or so, so I don't mind doing a roleplay based off of this.
I'm not an expert on the game, but I'm willing to give it a go. It seemed like it'd be cute to roleplay with. Besides, the music on there is great. If there's anything I need to know about a character when it comes to personality, weakness and strengths, please let me know about it!

Happy Tree Friends 

I may not be in the fandom anymore, but I don't mind roleplaying it still. 
I still have some OC/FC from my old account. 
Just make sure there is an actual story to it though and I will play any canon character (love interest in particular) you need me to. I just need someone to play Splendid for me (My OC love interest) and we will be good to go. If you want to do double RP, we can. 

Danny Phantom 

After trying a RP with a good friend of mine based on this, I feel like I want to try some more of this. I'm not an expert; I'm like a beginner to middle if anything. 
Clockwise and Sam are characters I feel confident playing. I'm still trying to get the hang of Vlad since he's a complex character. 
In the meantime, a Sam x Danny RP would be nice

Code Lyoko

This is a series I don't mind doing a roleplay on, since I loved the show personally. 
I will warn you that I do not have a OC/FC for this series, so I will playing canon characters. 
Any shipping canon couple you would like to do, I am all up for it! 

Yin Yang Yo!

Even though the series ended like a few years back, I still wouldn't mind doing a RP based on it. 
I still have my OC/FC from my old account. 
Doubt anyone would remember the show, but we will see and if so, we'll carry on from there. 

My Little Pony

I used to watch friendship is magic, but not anymore, but I don't mind doing a RP involving it. 
I do not have any OC/FC nor do I want to make an OC/FC for this series; I just prefer to use the canon characters. 
I'm mainly good at playing Fluttershy, but I can try any other pony if necessary. 

If you have any other suggestions in mind, you can ask me and I will see if I'm up for it or not. Please don't get mad or be rude if I say no to your request. Especially Undertale. I would only consider it, if you are a very good friend of mine and you haven't find anyone to do it with or you're not a total fanbrat, we will see. No promises though. Otherwise, you will have to find someone else for your certain type of request. 

:bademoticon::bademoticon:  My Contact Information:bademoticon:  :bademoticon: 

I roleplay through Note so please send me a Note whenever you are ready and we will discuss further details from there. 
I can also roleplay through Skype Icon so if you prefer there, then message me first and then we will go from there.
Finally, I can roleplay through Email so if you would like to roleplay through email, please note me first and we will talk more from there. 

Absolutely no Kik! I do have a kik, but I am not using that to RP on, sorry! 

Arrow Bullet (Rainbow) - F2U! Now, that's settled, I really hope you have read my rules/instructions and fully understand them. If you are going to stay committed, then when you send me a note, please let the "Subject" be named "Panda" as the password. Please and thank you. Also, please don't do this, but leave a comment saying, "I would love to roleplay with you, but I'm busy so maybe another time." Just. Don't. Please. That is a waste of time for me and you. I need people who are available in the moment. So please respect those wishes!
Anyway, I really hope I find some good people to RP with this time and not just favorite this and run haha. I'm really looking for a good RP to do. So, with that being said, I look forward to hearing from you all!Arrow Bullet Left (Rainbow) - F2U! 

Blue Heart Icon Alright then. Thank you for reading; Please leave your comment or a note and I will look forward to RP with you and also being friends with you too ^w^Blue Heart Icon 


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illumyra's avatar
Hello, I am interested in doing a long-term roleplay of Sonic if you wish. I, on the other hand, have watched a lot of code lyoko; however, I have not seen the show since I was, I believe, ten years old. Sonic the Hedgehog is more recent so I know more about the information regarding it, and especially about the show Sonic X, Sonic Boom, etc. I have read a lot of the Archie Comics, but that is not the usual area or timeline where my role-plays take place. If you are interested, please leave a note or a comment on my profile. I am fine with role-playing through notes or on skype the choice is yours. My pots are usually a paragraph or more depending on the RP itself, and as for plot development, I usually make something happen off the top of my head sometimes to keep the roleplay going. The main that character that I will be using is my OC Soraya the hedgehog. She does have a special ability, but that can either be incorporated into the role-playing or not depending on the story. If you are interested please do not hesitate to leave me a note for I have been looking for a Sonic RP for some time now. 

I am fine with 18+ things since I am 18 and I am used to this kind of things, however, they do not have to be used if you are not comfortable with things such as these. I also can make up some OCs on a dime if some of the characters in the roleplay, or the main characters, in general, do need a different character for any specific purposes. If you have any questions or concerns please leave me a note and I will get back to you as soon as I can since I am usually on DeviantArt every day. 

Hope you say yes to role-playing with me since I have been roleplaying for six years I have had a lot of experience. 

Have a good day and hope to hear from you soon!

-Esperanzathewolf (Esper)